Land Use Program

Our Location: 1221 Fulton Street, 3rd Floor
PO Box 11867, Fresno CA 93775-1867
Phone: (559) 600-3357 Fax: (559) 455-4646 

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)

Land Use Program staff are responsible for reviewing proposed land use development applications submitted to the various planning agencies in the county and providing comments regarding project compliance with the appropriate environmental health standards relative to our areas of expertise.

The Land Use Program evaluates proposed land developments for compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to domestic and public water supplies, sewage and solid waste disposal, community noise and vector control. Staff is also responsible for attending county planning commission and Board of Supervisor hearings related to these proposed applications and investigating noise complaints in the unincorporated areas of Fresno county.

Some examples of land use entitlements include Conditional Use Permit (CUP) applications, Tract Map or subdivision (TT) applications, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) applications, Director Review and Approval (DRA) applications, General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Rezoning (AA) applications, Variance (VA) applications, Site Plan Review (SPR) and many other land-related projects such as Environmental Impact Reports (EIR). For more information related to planning issues in Fresno County, contact staff at the Planning and Resource Management Department, Development Services Division at (559) 600-4497.

Staff is available to assist you in completing the Initial Study application form that may be required to be submitted with your proposed land use development application to the Fresno County Planning and Resource Management Department. For more information, contact Land Use Program staff at (559) 600-3271.

Sewage Disposal

The County of Fresno County Public Works and Planning Department is the regulatory agency that oversees procedural and technical details for implementation of the provisions of the Fresno Local Agency Management Plan (LAMP) codified in Chapter 15.20 of the Fresno County General Ordinance Code. The provisions are designed to protect public health, groundwater and surface water bodies from degradation and provide safely operating Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems through proper design, siting, installation, maintenance, and monitoring. Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) as referenced herein, include Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems as defined by the Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (State OWTS Policy), adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board, and which took effect on May 13, 2013. Please contact Fresno County Public Works and Planning, Building Permits at (559) 600-4560.

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