Our Location: 1221 Fulton Street, 3rd Floor
PO Box 11867, Fresno CA 93775-1867
Phone: (559) 600-3357 Fax: (559) 455-4646
Email: EnvironmentalHealth@fresnocountyca.gov
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
Notice - Well drillers need to know this:
Beginning Wednesday, September 8, 2021, Well Permit Applications will only be accepted via our Citizen Portal.
This process will allow you to enter permit application information directly into our system. This will help speed up our processing time for each permit application and allow you to see the progress of all your permits in real-time.
❶ SET UP YOUR ACCOUNT: You can get help for setting up your account on the portal by watching this video here. Well Drillers should set up their account as an organization, not as an individual.
❷ ENTER WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS ON PORTAL: Please see the following step-by-step instructions for entering well permit applications on the portal. You can begin using the portal now.
Entering a Well Permit Instructions(PDF, 1MB)
❸ INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO: On Wednesday, September 1, Environmental Health staff held an instructional meeting with interested well drillers on how to use the Citizen Portal to enter, apply, and track their Well Permits. Here is a link to view that meeting:
Well Driller Meeting
Please be advised that effective September 1, 2007 the Fresno County Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division no longer has the responsibility to enforce the provisions of the California Safe Drinking Water Act that pertain to Small Public Water Systems in Fresno County. The enforcement of the California Safe Drinking Water Act for Public Water Systems is now under:
California Department of Public Health
Southern California Branch
Drinking Water Field Operations Program
265 W. Bullard Avenue, Suite 101
Fresno, California 93704
Phone (559) 447-3300
Fax (559) 447-3304
The Water Surveillance Program consists of the following activities:
- Permitting and inspection of new well construction, reconstruction of existing wells and destruction of abandoned wells within unincorporated areas of Fresno County
- Permitting, monitoring and inspection of State Small Water Systems within Fresno County
The Well Permitting Program helps to assure that private water wells are constructed in such a manner as to minimize the potential for contamination of the groundwater supply and eliminate safety hazards associated with abandoned wells. Other well information listed below includes the following:
- Well Permits
- Consumer Information
- Interpretation of Bacteriological or Chemical Analysis Report
- Well Disinfection Procedures
- Abandoned Well Information
- Obtaining Potable Water in Emergencies
The State Small Water System Program is designed to help assure that a reliable supply of pure, wholesome and potable water is provided to State Small Water Systems within Fresno County.