22-02-C American Avenue Shoulder Improvements


22-02-C was awarded on July 12, 2022 to Yarbs Grading and Paving, Inc.

The bid opening for this project was held on Thursday, June 16, 2022 on Zoom.

Bid Summary(PDF, 271KB)

Everyone who expressed interest in this project is listed on the Planholders List(PDF, 261KB).


The work to be done consists, in general, of adding approximately four (4) feet of new paved shoulder over aggregate base to each side of American Avenue from Placer Avenue  to Madera Avenue (SR 145), a distance of approximately 5.9 miles. This will widen the existing 24-foot wide roadway to consist of two 12-foot wide travel lanes with four-foot wide paved shoulders on each side of the roadway. The project also includes striping, installation of signs, installation of asphalt concrete dikes in certain sections of the road and other miscellaneous items as specified in the plans and specifications.

The engineer's estimate range is $2,600,000 to $2,870,000.

Location Map(PDF, 565KB)

Location Map American Ave Shoulder Improvements Placer Ave to Madera Ave

Specifications and Plans

Notice to Bidders(PDF, 222KB)  posted 5/19/2022

Specifications (8 MB)(PDF, 8MB) posted 5/19/2022

Plans (7MB)(PDF, 6MB) posted 5/19/2022

Addendum 1(PDF, 2MB) posted 6/13/2022

Addendum 1 Exhibit 16-B Subcontracting Request(PDF, 545KB) posted 6/13/2022

Addendum 1 Plans Sheet 3A(PDF, 363KB) posted 6/13/2022

Supplemental Information

Requests for Clarification Responses updated 6/13/2022

Cross Sections (8 MB)(PDF, 8MB) posted 5/20/2022