United American/Retireefirst Option

United American/Retireefirst: Plan Details

Click here for the Retiree First Virtual Retiree Health Seminar

The United American Medicare Supplemental plan works seamlessly with Medicare. Members have no deductible and there are no medical copays (only copays for Rx). If you have any questions on the medical and/or prescription plans, please call Retiree First's dedicated County of Fresno line.


Local Phone Number: (559) 588-4422

Toll-Free Phone Number: (833) 236-2092

COVID-19 Announcement(PDF, 88KB)


Detailed Benefits & Coverage Information

Frequently Asked Retireefirst Questions

After the transition, when will I receive my card and Retireefirst Welcome Kit?
Cards and Welcome Kits should be received in the middle to end of December. Retirees and Medicare eligible spouses will each receive their own card. Please note that each enrollee may receive their plan information on different days.

Does this Medicare supplement have a network?
No. You can go to any provider, hospital, or facility that accepts Medicare. Also, this plan does not require referrals or pre-authorizations.

Do I still use my Medicare Card with Retireefirst coverage?
Yes. You will need to present your Medicare Card and United American Medicare Supplement card at the time of your services.

Are my prescription medications covered under this plan?
Most likely yes. The formulary list is a Comprehensive Formulary, just as before. You will receive an Abridged Formulary with your Welcome Kit and cards. Some drugs may require prior authorization. Please call Retireefirst at (559) 588-4422 or toll free at (833) 236-2092 if you do not see your drug listed or need help looking up your medications.

Will my prescriptions transfer over from the Hartford plan?
If you use a retail pharmacy and have refills remaining, you do not need to obtain new prescriptions. There should be little to no pharmacy disruption. UnitedHealthcare has over 60,000 pharmacies in its network. If you use mail order, you will need to obtain new prescriptions from your provider.

Is there a mail order pharmacy option?
Yes, but you can also use most retail pharmacies for the same 90 day refill. As with your current drug plan, most specialty drugs are limited to a one month supply. Keep in mind, you will need new prescriptions if you prefer to use the mail order service.


Retiree First Contact Information

Phone: (559) 559-4422

Toll-Free: (833) 236 -2092

What can Retiree First do for you? Do you have questions on what the plan may or may not cover? What if you have issues accessing services? Retiree First can help! Retiree First can help with their free concierge service:

  • Dedicated Phone Number: Members will have specific numbers dedicated to County retirees.
  • General Questions: Plan design, copays, drug look up, provider networks, lost ID cards, etc.
  • Provider & Pharmacy Support: Real time pharmacy and physician support to members with a member service advocate working directly with the pharmacy and provider staff.
  • SSI & CMS Support: Retiree First can communicate directly with Social Security and CMS on the member’s behalf for things such as: enrollment in Medicare, help solve insurance related issues, and applying for Low Income Subsidies.


Human Resources - Employee Benefits Division

Phone:(559) 600 - 1810
Fax:(559) 455 - 4787

Address*:2220 Tulare St., Suite 1400, Fresno, CA 93721

*Please note that Employee Benefits is not responsible for any lost or stolen mail,
nor mail received after the deadline. All paperwork and supporting documentation
must be received by the Employee Benefits office prior to any deadlines.