Vision Service Plan (VSP)

Vision Service Plan (VSP): Plan Details

Vision Service Plan (VSP) provides the vision coverage for all County Anthem Blue Cross plans.

Allowances & Copays (In-Network)

  • Your eye exam copay is $10 (every 12 months).
  • Your frame allowance is $150 (every 24 months).
  • Your contact allowance is $150 (every 12 months)
  • Most standard lenses are covered at no cost (review the Summary of Benefits for details).

Provider Information

Vision Service Plan (VSP) is the vision provider if you are covered under an Anthem Blue Cross medical plan (EPO, PPO, or HDPPO) as well as the RetireeFirst (United American Medical/UnitedHealthcare Rx) plan. VSP does not issue insurance cards. Simply tell the office where you receive services that you are covered by VSP. Visit VSP's website at to access your benefit information and find a VSP provider.

Not only do eye exams support eye health, they support your overall health as well! It is important to have an eye exam once a year to make sure that your eyes are healthy.


Health Plan Contact Information

Vision Service Plan (VSP) Member Services
Phone: (800) 877 - 7195

Vision Service Plan (VSP) does not have a card associated with membership;
the member number is the individual's social security number.


Human Resources - Employee Benefits Division

Phone:(559) 600 - 1810
Fax:(559) 455 - 4787

Address*:2220 Tulare St., Suite 1400, Fresno, CA 93721

*Please note that Employee Benefits is not responsible for any lost or stolen mail,
nor mail received after the deadline. All paperwork and supporting documentation
must be received by the Employee Benefits office prior to any deadlines.