Salary Resolution

Fresno County's Salary Resolution is a compilation of various forms of personnel policies and serves as a reference document for departments to follow in implementing day-to-day personnel administration. The negotiated salaries for Fresno County positions (job classifications) are reflected in our Salary Resolution approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Job classifications are assigned a salary range with the exception of elected positions and other positions as designated in the Alphabetical Position Listing.

Salary range steps consist of one through five (1-5) salary steps with approximately 5% intervals between each step. New employees generally begin at the first step of the assigned salary range. Typically, employees are eligible for merit-based step increases annually.

For position allocation within Fresno County Departments, please refer to the Tables of Positions in the Salary Resolution, Section 200.

The Classification Program makes every effort to keep all information as timely and accurate as possible; however, recent changes may not be posted. For more information, please contact the Human Resources Department, Classification, at (559) 600-1830 or by email at