Kaiser HDHP

Kaiser Permanente HDHP: Plan Details

Kaiser Permanente HDHP

With a HDHP, High Deductible Health Plan, you will pay the full cost of non-preventative health care services until you meet the annual deductible. If you enroll a dependent, you must meet the full family deductible before the plan pays expenses for any one individual. Once the out-of-pocket maximum is reached, the plan will pay the full cost of all qualified health care services for the remainder of the calendar year.  This plan will only cover services performed solely by Kaiser Permanente providers within their network (with the exception of emergency services). 

  • Medical, mental health, prescription, and vision coverage are all through Kaiser Permanente.
  • This plan is a local plan. Active employees must live or work in the Fresno coverage area, and COBRA participants must live in the Fresno coverage area to enroll. 


Provider Information

Provider Information:

This plan uses a provider network. You may only access services at a Kaiser facility, unless otherwise approved by Kaiser.

  • Physicians:
    • You will have an assigned primary care physician.
  • Specialists:
    • You may need a referral to see certain specialists.
  • Behavioral Health Providers:
    • You may self-refer to a behavioral health provider, as long as the provider is within the Kaiser network (contact Kaiser for details).

Deductibles & Copays

Deductibles & Copays:

  • There is a $3,000 individual and $6,000 family deductible for this plan.
  • Once your deductible is met, you will have a $0.00 copay for services rendered. 
  • Deductibles are waived if accessing preventive care services.

Kaiser Permanente Nurse Line

24/7 Care By Phone (Northern California)

(866) 454 - 8855 (TTY 711)

Kaiser Permanente Online

Kaiser Permanente members also have access to  Kaiser's website and smartphone application. Both allow users to keep in contact with their doctors with ease, and the smartphone application allows for both phone and video conference appointments so members can see their doctor without the hassle of going to the doctor's office.  

 Smartphone Application: My Doctor Online App

Website: kp.org



Health Plan Contact Information

Kaiser Permanente Customer Service
Phone: (800) 464 - 4000

Active Employee Group Number


Human Resources - Employee Benefits Division

Phone:(559) 600 - 1810
Fax:(559) 455 - 4787

Address*:2220 Tulare St., Suite 1400, Fresno, CA 93721

*Please note that Employee Benefits is not responsible for any lost or stolen mail,
nor mail received after the deadline. All paperwork and supporting documentation
must be received by the Employee Benefits office prior to any deadlines.