Friant Ranch

Friant Ranch Map Thumb(JPEG, 264KB)Friant Ranch Partial Recirculation EIR: 2021-2023

Informal Notice of Preparation - Recirculated Draft EIR(PDF, 127KB)*

Notice of Availability - Recirculated Draft EIR(PDF, 107KB)

Re-issued(PDF, 1MB) Notice of Availability- Recirculated Draft EIR(PDF, 1MB)

Partially Revised and Recirculated(PDF, 1MB) Draft EIR(PDF, 1MB)

PRR Draft EIR Appendices(PDF, 36MB)

Friant Ranch Community Plan(PDF, 460KB)

Friant Ranch Community Plan Map(PDF, 86KB)


*This Recirculated EIR only addresses further refined studies regarding Air Quality. All other aspects of the environmental impacts were previously addressed in the Draft EIR from 2011(PDF, 15MB).

Friant Ranch Environmental Impact Report: 2011

Project Description(PDF, 455KB)

Board of Supervisors Approval - February 1, 2011(PDF, 14MB)

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program - Adopted(PDF, 612KB)

Draft EIR(PDF, 15MB)

Final EIR(PDF, 23MB)

Contact Information

Current Planning and Environmental Analysis (559) 600-4052

Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets

Office hours (available by phone):  Monday - Thursday  8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday  8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

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