Solar Facilities Guidelines

County of Fresno Solar Facility Guidelines

(Revised by Board of Supervisors on 12/12/17)

The need to accommodate new renewable energy technology must be balanced with the need to protect important farmlands and minimize impacts to existing agricultural operations.  The land use process for evaluating solar facilities should rely on general guidelines and policies rather than specific standards, which may not be flexible enough to accommodate the evolving technology.

Applicants for solar facilities shall address the following as part of the application review process:

  1. Information shall be submitted regarding the historical agricultural operational/usage of the parcel, including specific crop type and crop yield, for the last ten years (if no agricultural operation in the last ten years, specify when land was last in agricultural use); and
  2. Information shall be submitted that identifies the source of water for the subject parcel (surface water from irrigation district, individual well(s), conjunctive system).  If the source of water is via district delivery, the applicant shall submit information documenting the allocations received from the irrigation district and the actual disposition of the water (i.e. utilized on-site or moved to other locations) for the last ten years.  If an individual well system is used, provide production capacity of each well, water quality data and data regarding the existing water table depth; and
  3. Identify the current status of the parcel (Williamson Act Contract, Conservation Easement, retired land, etc.), the purpose of any easement and limitations of the parcel.  The applicant shall submit a Title Report or Lot Book Guarantee for verification.  
  4. Identify (with supporting data) the current soil type and mapping units of the parcel pursuant to the standards of the California State Department of Conservation and the Natural Resources Conservation Service; and
  5. List all proposed measures and improvements intended to create a buffer between the proposed solar facility and adjacent agricultural operations (detailed information must be shown on Site Plan) and provide factual/technical data supporting the effectiveness of said proposed buffering measures; and
  6. Provide a Reclamation Plan detailing the lease life, timeline for removal of the improvements and specific measures to return the site to the agricultural capability prior to installation of solar improvements; and
  7. Provide information documenting efforts to locate the proposed solar facility on non-agricultural lands and non-contracted parcels and detailed information explaining why the subject site was selected.
  8. Develop and submit a project site Pest Management Plan to identify methods and frequency to manage weeds, insects, disease and vertebrate pests that may impact adjacent sites. 
  9. The applicant must acknowledge the County’s Right to Farm Ordinance and shall be required to record a Right to Farm Notice prior to issuance of any permits.  This shall be included as a recommended Condition of Approval of the land use entitlement.
  10. Note:  The life of the approved land use permit will expire upon expiration of the initial life of the solar lease.  If the solar lease is to be extended, approval of new land use permit will need to be obtained.
  11. If the project is approved, the applicant shall make all reasonable efforts to establish a point of sale in Fresno County for equipment and construction related items necessary for the project.
  12. If the project is approved, the applicant shall make all reasonable efforts to conduct local recruitment efforts and/or coordinate with employment agencies in an attempt to hire from the local workforce.
  13. In addition to disclosing the number of trips in the required project Operational Statement, the applicant shall disclose the weight of the shipments anticipated to the site. If the project is approved, pursuant to the CEQA analysis and based upon the existing road conditions and the weight/frequency of shipments to the site, the applicant shall mitigate impacts to County roads.
  14. If the project is approved, the applicant shall make all reasonable efforts to purchase products and equipment from local (Fresno County) manufacturing facilities and/or vendors.

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