Fresno County Public Authority

Two women sitting on a bench laughing and embracing


 Information Regarding the Public Authority Proposal

Public Authority Proposal 2024 (English)(PDF, 733KB)

Public Authority Proposal 2024 (Espanol)(PDF, 751KB)

(refresh page if the 2024 documents are not shown above)



Logo, Fresno County Public Authority

What is the Public Authority and what do we do?

The Public Authority was established per State mandate to act as Employer of Record for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Care Providers. The Public Authority negotiates with the Provider's Union SEIU 2015 to set wages, benefits and working conditions for the IHSS Care Providers.

The Public Authority also maintains a Provider Registry to help the IHSS Recipients find Care Providers so they can remain in their home safely and independently.

Please be advised that applying for the IHSS program and the determination of eligibility is completely free. IHSS is an income-based and needs-based program. Eligibility requirements are determined by Federal and State regulations. Be cautious of any websites or contacts by phone call or text offering assistance with getting approved for IHSS for a fee.

Beware of Scams!  

faces of elders with words know abuse report abuse

Adult Protective Services Care Line
(559) 600-3383 or (800) 418-1426

Report Elder Abuse

Child Abuse Prevention

Child Protective Services Hotline
(559) 600-8320    

Report Child Abuse

In-Home Supportive Services Fraud

What is IHSS Fraud? IHSS Fraud is an intentional attempt by providers or recipients to receive unauthorized payments or benefits from the program.

If you observe or have knowledge of suspicious In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) activity, call the DHCS IHSS Fraud Hotline telephone number, 1-800-822-6222, to report it. The call is free and you can remain anonymous. You can also send an e-mail to The recorded message may be heard in English and ten (10) other languages including Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Armenian, Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian, Farsi, Korean, and Russian.

Welfare and Institutions Code section 12305.81(a) dictates that anyone convicted of a violation of California Penal Code section 273a(a), 368, or “fraud against a government health care or supportive services program” (which includes IHSS fraud) is ineligible to be an IHSS provider for 10 years.

Common Fraud Issues in IHSS:

  • Providers cannot claim more hours than actually worked. This is a crime punishable under Penal Code §72 and §487(a).
  • A provider cannot submit timesheets and accept payment for work that was never performed, and then split the pay (also known as “Check Splitting”) with the recipient or another person. The provider and recipient can be criminally prosecuted for theft and submitting a false timesheet under Penal Code §487(a) or Penal Code §72.
  • Only the recipient or an authorized signer can sign a timesheet and only after all hours claimed have been worked. 
  • Providers cannot hire someone to perform their IHSS duties for them, while claiming these hours on their own timesheet.
  • All persons providing care must be a registered provider who has been approved and authorized through IHSS. Subcontracting is a punishable crime under Penal Code §72.
  • A provider cannot be paid to take care of a recipient who is out of the home due to:
  • Hospitalization
  • Placement in a skilled nursing facility
  • Jail
  • Living out of the county

Report IHSS Fraud

or Report IHSS Fraud by calling the DHCS IHSS Fraud Hotline telephone number at 1-800-822-6222

Bring Your Voice to the Table! 

Would you like to have a say in the care that you provide or receive? Or discuss issues and changes in the IHSS Program?  The committee is seeking new members who can provide valuable input regarding their experiences with the IHSS program. Representatives from the County of Fresno's IHSS program and the Public Authority attend meetings to answer questions and receive feedback. By attending monthly meetings, you have the opportunity to provide input from the perspective of providers and recipients. Learn more about the IHSS Advisory Committee here.

Workers' Comp If you are a Care Provider who is injured while working for an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipient, you can file a Workers’ Compensation claim.

To report your injury, call (559) 600-6666 option 4.  A Public Authority staff member will take your claim. After your claim is filed and all documents are received, your claim will be forwarded to and processed by: Intercare Holdings Insurance Services.

For claim status, call Intercare at (800) 771-5454 Or (916) 781-5700

Right to File a Sexual Harassment Complaint

You have a right to be free from sexual harassment in the workplace.  As your employer, it is the IHSS recipient's responsibility to keep the workplace free form sexual harassment. The information below is from the IHSS Provider's Right to File a Sexual Harassment Complaint (SOC 2327) published by the California Department of Social Services.

What is Sexual Harassment?

There are two types of Sexual Harassment: "Quid Pro Quo" (Latin for "this for that") sexual harassment is when someone makes you put up with or accept sexual advances or other sexual behaviors in order to gain or keep a job or gain any other work benefit.

"Hostile Work Environment" sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome comments or behavior based on sex interferes with your work or creates a very uncomfortable, unfriendly, or upsetting work environment.  You may experience sexual harassment even if the rude and unwelcome conduct was not aimed directly at you.

Sexual harassment behaviors include but are not limited to:

  • Unwanted sexual attention;
  • Offering benefits in exchange for sexual favors;
  • Threatening to do something to get even with a person after receiving a negative response to sexual attention;
  • Staring that makes the person being looked at uncomfortable; sexual movements with the body; or displaying objects, pictures, cartoons or posters, that make a person think of sex;
  • Insulting or rude comments about sex;
  • Rude name calling, slurs, or jokes that are about sex;
  • Sexual words, comments, messages or invitations that make a person feel uncomfortable;
  • Unwanted physical touching or assault; or
  • Stopping or blocking a person's movements.

Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature and can include rude or hurtful remarks about a person's sex or gender.  For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making rude comments about women in general. Both the victim and harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex/gender. 

How Can I Avoid Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?


  • Be aware of sexual harassment behaviors or incidences and do not do them;
  • Be sensitive to individuals who may be upset by the verbal and non-verbal behaviors of others;
  • Be aware of forms of sexual harassment that are not easily notices such as staring or unnecessary touching; and
  • Watch for the way others in the home act/behave and do not do anything that may have a negative effect on the way you communicate with others.


  • Pay attention to the response of others in order to avoid accidentally doing something they would find upsetting;
  • Do not automatically think that anyone would enjoy or want to touched, stared at, flirted with, asked on dates or asked for sexual favors;
  • Ask yourself if what you are saying or doing might have a negative effect on other people's feelings;
  • Examine your behaviors, body language, and comments.  Ask yourself, "Could I unknowingly be encouraging sexual feelings or conversations by the way I communicate?"
  • Do not take sexual harassment lightly.  If you think you are being sexually harassed by an individual or a group, do not accept it as a joke.  Do not encourage the harasser by smiling, laughing at his/her jokes, or flirting back.  Let the harasser know that you do not enjoy and do not want this type of attention.

What Do I Do If I Am Being Sexually Harassed?


  • Write down what happened whenever you have been sexually harassed.  Write down as much detail as you can.  Know the exact date it happened, as well as the time, location and person/persons involved.
  • If possible, tell the harasser that they are bothering you right away.  Using your detailed notes, tell him/her that you find that type of attention upsetting.
  • If possible, tell the harasser that their behavior upsets you and makes you uncomfortable;
  • If possible, tell the harasser what behaviors (gestures, physical or verbal) you find upsetting;
  • Consider writing a letter to the harasser and keep a copy for yourself.
  • If you feel that the sexual harassment behavior places your safety at risk, leave the workplace and call 911 or local law enforcement immediately.


  • If you cannot resolve your problem with your employer/recipient, you may inform the county that you no longer wish to be a provider for that recipient.
  • You may also seek out new employment by registering with the IHSS Public Authority registry in your county.  The provider registry may be able to connect you with new recipients who need a provider.
  • You may also make a complaint to the State of California Civil Rights Department (CRD) by calling your complaint to CRD's Communication Center at (800) 884-1684 (voice) or (800) 700-2320 (TTY) or turn in a complaint intake form online here:  File a Complaint 
  • For more information on sexual harassment prevention please visit the CRD website: More Information about Sexual Harassment.


File a Complaint



Eligible Care Providers are automatically represented by SEIU Local 2015 for wages, benefits and certain terms of employment. They are also eligible to join the SEIU Local 2015 as a union member. For information regarding SEIU 2015 membership please visit here or you can call the Member Action Center at 855-810-2015