2023-24-Fresno-County-5150-Recertification-Self-Study-Training.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
Fresno-County-2023-2024-5150-Recertification-Post Test.pdf(PDF, 276KB)
DHCS-1801-RVD-09.2023.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
5150 Initial Detainment Advisement 2014(PDF, 266KB)
Should you have questions regarding these documents, please contact Managed Care at
(559) 600-4645 or mcare@FresnoCountyCA.gov.
If you have a Behavioral Health emergency please call 9-1-1 For Access to Services or the Crisis Line, 1 800 654-3937 CalHOPE Warm Line 1 833 317-HOPE(4673) Central Valley Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 800 273-8255
Fresno County Mental Health Plan P. O. Box 45003 Fresno, CA. 93718-9886
Contact Info
Phone: (559) 600-4645 Fax: (559) 455-4633
Email: mcare@FresnoCountyCA.gov
Office Address: 1925 E. Dakota Ave Suite G, Fresno, CA 93726