Additional Resources
Helpful websites and resources:
Fresno County District Attorney: Follow-up with the prosecuting attorney is important. Many victims benefit from interacting with the Deputy District attorney in order to make their wishes known regarding the case. Victims can give their input regarding the amount set for bail, sentencing, and in some cases a Criminal Protective Order. This website provides information regarding contacting their office, testifying in court, the trial process, how to apply for a U Visa and T Visa, and much more.
VINE: This is a free, secure, and confidential way to access local level custody status and criminal case information. Register for notifications and stay informed. Registration and updating is necessary for this program.
Fresno County Jail: A resource for checking jail inmate status, obtaining information for the service of civil court papers, reporting a crime, and the Coroner’s office information.
Fresno County Superior Court: This website provides information regarding criminal court, civil court, family court, juvenile court, probate court, small claims, traffic court, jury duty, and on-line services. It also provides updates regarding courtroom locations and current protocols. This is also a good starting point for applying for a Restraining order.
Often victims would like to know the status of the criminal case and find this link helpful:
CDCR Victim Services: State Prison inmate information and victim’s rights. Like with VINE registration (inmate status at the local level), victims can register for state prison information (including release of inmate) at (CDCR form 1707).
Mental Health Therapy: Trauma informed therapy is a big component in the recovery process from a crime. There are many therapists and victims can determine which therapist is best for their situation and preferences. Victims generally utilize therapists through their health insurance. CVAC also has a list of therapists to assist victims with additional mental health provider suggestions. Link to MediCal providers:
For victims with questions regarding shelter/housing concerns:
Marjaree Mason Center for Victims of Domestic Violence: 559.233.HELP(4357) -24 hour hotline
Poverello House:
Holy Cross Women’s shelter:
The Multi-Agency Access Program (MAP) can often assist with housing services and information. Contact (559) 512-6777 or go to for more information.
Fresno Equal Opportunities Commission has a Sanctuary Transitional Shelter. For more information call or text (559) 931-1444 or go to
Fresno Equal Opportunities Commission also has a Sanctuary Youth Shelter. For more information call 1-800-210-4968 or go to
Additional information can also be found at the Fresno County Website
Additional resources may be available by calling 211.