California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CALARP)

The California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program protects the community from the release of extremely hazardous substances into the environment.

Extremely hazardous substances are chemicals that pose a significant threat to public health and safety or the environment because they are highly toxic, flammable or explosive. Several business in Fresno County store or handle extremely hazardous substances during the course of their work.

Examples of extremely hazardous substances are:

  • Anhydrous Ammonia
  • Chlorine gas
  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Nitric acid
  • Propane

Businesses subject to CalARP are required to develop a Risk Management Plan (RMP) to prevent or minimize an accidental release of an extremely hazardous substance. The RMP requires that businesses develop and maintain emergency response procedures to be implemented if a release of an extremely hazardous substance occurs.

RMPs describe potential offsite consequences to public and environmental receptors such as schools, residential areas, hospitals, and elderly and childcare facilities.

RMPs must include procedures for:

  • Proper storage and handling extremely hazardous substances
  • Training of facility staff
  • Operating and maintaining process equipment
  • Inspections to determine that extremely hazardous substances are stored and handled safely
  • Emergency response to an accidental release


  • Complete a CalARP Program registration form and submit it to Fresno County CUPA Program
  • Submitting a RMP
  • Pay your fees annually to keep your permit active

For more information on CalARP, please contact the Fresno County HazMat Compliance Program at: 559-600-3271 or email at: