Office of Emergency Services (OES)

Contact Public Health
PLEASE CALL 9-1-1 for emergencies that pose imminent danger or hazards threatening life safety, property, environment and need immediate response from Fire, Law, Medical emergency response agencies.
The Fresno County Office of Emergency Services (OES) is located within the Department of Public Health and coordinates planning, preparedness, response and recovery efforts for disasters occurring within the unincorporated area of the County. For more information about us, click here.
1221 Fulton Street, Fifth Floor
P.O. Box 11867, Fresno CA 93775-1867
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM
Phone: (559) 600-4065
Emergency Line after Business Hours
Phone: (559) 600-4055
Contact us by email: |
If assistance is needed for:
- Hazardous Materials Spills or Accidents
- Food and Water Borne Illness Investigations
- Rabies Control Reporting
- Clandestine Drug Labs
- Pesticide Exposures
- Sewage Spills
Please contact the Fresno County Department of Public Health Emergency Response Team
Has your well run dry? Click here
Disaster Information!
The links below do not list all potential disasters. They provide information on those that Fresno County is most vulnerable to and for which Fresno County OES has a significant response rate.
Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)

During high wind or the potential forecast of high winds, a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) may be in effect in Fresno County. For more information on if your area is impacted please visit:
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Continued public involvement is imperative to the overall success of the Fresno County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) implementation. As part of an effort to involve the public in the plan maintenance, the Fresno County Office of Emergency Services is providing a digital online version of the HMP, along with a link for public comment.
Disaster - Emergency Preparedness and Resource Information

Private Forestland Owner Assistance
Air & Weather Resource Sites